Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Things that Hatch!

One of my students brought in a great show and tell a couple of weeks ago.  At home, with this family, they hatch chicks.  So, when the chicks were ready they brought them to school for the class to see.  It is a long and tedious process to hatch chicks.  First, the family picks the eggs up from a farmer.  There were 10 eggs.  Because they are not with their mother it is very important to keep them warm and safe.  So next, you put them in a tank with towels.  In order to keep them warm you must use an incubator.  Then, you wait, and wait, and wait.  Finally they hatch!  It is important to feed them and make sure they have enough water.  Soon after they hatch they need to be returned to the farmer. 

There are many other animals and even fish that lay eggs.  And they all lay different amounts of eggs.  A flamingo only lays one egg.    An iguana lays 70 eggs in its nest.  The iguana eggs are different from the bird eggs; they are soft instead of hard.  An octopus lays thousands of eggs at one time.  These are just some egg laying animals, but there are plenty more. 


Hatch chicks: take care of eggs until baby chicks come out

Tedious: hard work that needs a lot of attention

Incubator:  a light that gives off a lot of heat to keep the eggs warm

Flamingo: a pink bird that lives near the water, has very long legs

Iguana: a large lizard that lives in South America with spikes on its back

Octopus: a sea creature with 8 arms that lives at the bottom of the ocean

Vocabulary Exercise:

Use each of the vocabulary words in a sentence of your own.

Grammar: it is important to use the proper sequence when writing a story.  You do this with words such as first, second, third, next, then, last, finally, etc.  Write your own story using the sequence words.  Use my story as an example.

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